Play With Lua!


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I’ve been doing a lot of writing games in Löve. Writing games usually involves a lot of code that deals with positions and directions and velocities. To make this easier to write, I made a little library to represent a point in a two-dimensional coordinate space.

This is a little different for posts here because I’m not going to go into the code too much; I’m just going to show some examples of how to use it. Really, the motivation here is that I want to make other posts with code examples that use this, and so I should document it. Next up, my “map” class.

If you just want the code, the canonical repository is here.

Basic stuff

First, the library is in one file, that I call point.lua. You can require it like any other module:

local point = require('point')

To create a point, you can call

p =, 3)

Or use the shorthand of just calling the module:

p = point(2, 3)

Getting the components of the point is easy enough:

p = point(2, 3)
assert(p.x == 2)
assert(p.y == 3)

It also intelligently handles equality:

p = point(2, 3)
p2 = point(2, 3)
assert(p == p2)

And can be converted to a string:

p = point(2, 3)
assert( tostring(p) == "(2, 3)" )
print(p) -- prints (2, 3)


Points can be added and subtracted:

p = point(2, 3)
p2 = point(1, 1)
assert( p + p2 == point(3, 4) )
assert( p2 - p == point(-1, -2) )

They can also be multiplied, by points or numbers:

p = point(2, 3)
assert( p * point(-1, 0) == point(-2, 0) )
assert( p * 2 == point(4, 6) )

Features for tile maps

Points whose components are both integers, like coordinates on a tile map, have some useful methods:


Returns whether two points are next to each other, not counting diagonals:

p = point(2, 3)
assert( p:adjacent(point(2, 2)) )
assert( not p:adjacent(p) )


Returns whether two points are on the same row or column:

p = point(2, 3)
assert( p:ortho(point(2, 2)) )
assert( not p:ortho(point(0, 0)) )


If two points are on the same row or column, returns a new point representing the direction you have to move to get closer to the second one. For example, for these three points:


a:toward(b) -- returns point(1, 0)
b:toward(a) -- returns point(-1, 0)
a:toward(c) -- returns point(0, 1) assuming +y is downward
b:toward(c) -- raises an error!


Comparing two points means comparing both components:

p = point(2, 3)
p2 = point(5, 6)
p3 = point(2, 4)
assert( p < p2 )
assert( p <= p3 )
assert( p2 > p3 )

Other things

There are a few constants defined:

assert( point.up == point(0, -1) )
assert( point.east == point(1, 0) )

Up, down, left, right, north, south, east, and west are all there, and they assume that going downward means an increase in Y (which is how Löve coordinates work).

I’ll probably be making changes and additions to the class periodically as I need things. The canonical repository is here and I’ll try to update this post when I add stuff.

Written by randrews

August 3rd, 2012 at 11:59 am

Posted in Uncategorized